A Kneaded Communion

A Kneaded Communion (2021) is a collaborative 20-minute video, sculptural performance piece. Filmed by Yemi Alade, YEMIOYATO.

‘Before the elemental wholeness evoked by clay work, we need to participate in a kind of unity. Labour is thus transformed as it is absorbed into work. In pottery, work rests upon the foundation of labour. Those who disdain the labour or approach it with the wrong spirit, undercut their work’. - Zen and the Art of Pottery by Kenneth R. Biettel

I wanted to use clay and performance to show the intimacy of friendship. Through the material process of clay, we will elaborate on the bond shared between my friend Zmaraks and I. The performance honoured not just the friendship itself, but the growth and nurturing that is required for such a connection to exist. Different aspects of the performance gave a symbolic insight into the stages of intimacy/friendship. Having performed with sculpture previously and worked with clay, I noticed how the physical labour of preparing clay and using it to make art, this process can also be used to express the growth of a relationship.

Jannat and Zmaraks talking during the performance rehearsal. Photographed by Kojo Apeagyei

Jannat and Zmaraks hugging as part of the end of the performance. Photographed by Kojo Apeagyei.

Below are more images of the performance. Photographed by Kojo Apeagyei

A Kneaded Communion (1min 30sec extract)

With time and nurturing, the trajectory of friendship is uncharted, as we do not know what forms it will take. But we will still shape this communion. Each semblance carries its own depth of affection and embrace. Subsistence is mutual to build upon the accounts of intimacy in the hopes that it will grow. This process draws us closer and closer.



Pieces of My People (2021)


Obstacles of Intimacy (2021)